It is approximately the same size as a walnut in adults and weighs about 11 grams. Because these patients have a functioning thyroid, the applied radioiodine will be actively transported into thyroid cells; therefore, the amount of radioiodine delivered to the targeted tumor cells will be reduced. In 2018, apalutamide became the first FDA-approved treatment for patients with non-metastatic disease; shortly thereafter, enzalutamide and darolutamide were also approved in this patient population. Product Description Prostadine is a dietary supplement that has been designed to offer complete support to your prostate health and reproductive health. Autopsy studies show that prostate carcinoma has a long induction period, and that many men experience lesions starting in their 20s or 30s. Hawthorn Berry is an antioxidant that helps with skin aging and healthy hair, nails and UV rays. Symptoms at this point include difficulty starting to urinate, weak or stopped flow of urine, frequent urination especially at night, and difficulty starting to urinate.