Studies show that between 2 and 3 men will die from prostate cancer for every 100 Australian males who have the disease at some time in their life. In determining which therapy is most beneficial, it is important to consider the extent and presence of metastatic disease. Radioactive iodine therapy was, in a sense radioactive iodine treatment was the first truly targeted therapy. In 2014, further results of SELECT showed that selenium supplements in men with low selenium levels at the start of the trial had no effect on prostate cancer risk. Monitoring men with the nmCRPC condition should include serial measurements on PSA. The firm will only look out for your best interests, and you may buy the goods from a reliable website. It intensifies orgasms and increases the desire for sex. It can improve the health of your prostate and help to balance hormones. Biohacking is when the body needs to make the most of physical phenomena. One review of the relationship between phytosterol intake and cancer risk showed that overall phytosterol intake was associated with a lower risk of developing cancer. My experience with Iodine in the prostate and Iodine was a side effect of receiving Covid. It supports prostate health, aids in hormonal imbalance, assists with bladder control issues and helps with urinary problems.