Prostate hyperplasia, also known as benign BPH, is a condition where the prostate is too large. It is usually because the cancer makes it difficult for you to eat properly. It usually happens because the tumor makes it difficult for the patient to eat properly. Third-party labs tested and confirmed that there were no side effects. Vitamin E as a treatment of cancer has not been approved by FDA. Then, we give patients radioactive molecules of iodine in the form a pill. If they are available in your area, I'm sure Whole Foods or Trader Joe's would stock them. Individuals with an enlarged or dysfunctional prostate, frequent urination, or erectile dysfunction can now relax, as they can be managed. Japanese women living in Japan consumed a daily average of 13.8 mg total elemental iodine and they experience one of the lowest prevalence for breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. In order to promote proper ordering and utilization of phi, the other two tests required for the phi calculation will only be performed when the total PSA is between 2-10 ng/mL. Cancers are caused by genetic mutations--DNA changes that turn normal, healthy cells into abnormal, cancerous ones.4 Some genetic mutations can be inherited from the parents at birth, but others are acquired during life. Notify your doctor of all medications and herbal supplements that you're taking. These products are not intended to diagnose or treat, cure, prevent, or prevent any disease.